[Avodah] Yizkor second day yom tov in E'Y

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Sun May 13 10:43:35 PDT 2007

T613K at aol.com wrote:
> What do you chevra think about this?  I'm going to be in Israel for 
> Shavuos IY"H

Mazal tov.

> and am wondering what to do about Yizkor.   Do I say it on 
> the second day at a chu'l  minyan in a yeshiva near my mother's house?

This is, of course, assuming that you are keeping two days.  OK.

> If so, what do I do the first day when they say Yizkor in the regular 
> shul -- leave, stay but don't say Yizkor, say Yizkor and then say it 
> again the next day?  Or do I have to daven both days in the chu'l minyan?

I don't understand the whole minhag EY regarding Yizkor.  What is the
point of saying yizkor when they don't read "ish kematenat yado"?
And in EY they *never* read it, even on Shemini Atzeret.

Then again, there's a lot I don't understand about the way the chu"l
minhagim of keriat hatorah were transplanted to EY, which I presume
happened when Jews came back after the crusaders.  For instance, *why*
don't they read Aser Te'aser on Shemini Atzeret, which is its zeman,
and then read Vezot Haberacha either a) immediately after, b) at mincha
of the same day, or c) on the following Shabbat together with Bereshit?
The last two suggestions would also prevent the strange transition from
the exhilaration of Simchat Torah to the solemnity of Geshem and Yizkor.

Also the extraordinarily long reading of the first day of chol hamoed
Pesach, which is of course the reading for the second day of Pesach
in chu"l.  Why not cut it down a bit, to make it similar in length to
the other chol hamoed readings?

Zev Sero               Something has gone seriously awry with this Court's
zev at sero.name          interpretation of the Constitution.
                       	                          - Clarence Thomas

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