[Avodah] When do the malachim come

Daniel Israel dmi1 at hushmail.com
Thu Apr 19 13:46:37 PDT 2007

On Thu, 19 Apr 2007 10:37:17 +0000 "kennethgmiller at juno.com" 
<kennethgmiller at juno.com> wrote:
>The logic has always been apparent to me: Why would a malach need 
>a door?

Why would a malach use a wall when there is a door available?  
Consider Rashi regarding the behaviour of the malachim visiting 
Avraham Avinu.

OTOH, thus far the sources mentioned here are greeting the Shabbos 
and greeting the Sh'china.  Where do we see malachim are involved 
at all?  (Actually, given the context of L'cha Dodi, what is the 
source for saying the Sh'china?)

Daniel M. Israel
dmi1 at cornell.edu

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