[Avodah] peanuts

Eli Turkel eliturkel at gmail.com
Tue Apr 17 08:02:19 PDT 2007

A generation has now grown up which never saw Pesachdik peanut oil,
nor reliable non-glatt meat. Which brings us to the question: Given
that even 50 years ago, there *were* some groups who had a genuine
minhag to avoid peanuts on Pesach, and also some groups who had a
genuine minhag to eat only glatt meat, if a captive audience ends up
following these practices only because of economic or availability
reasons, does that mean that this has become their minhag?
Personally, I doubt it. But go try to tell that to them!>>

Sounds like the machloket over 'lo rainu lo ra-ayah". The Ramah
paskens that women can't do schechita since that is the minhag. Others
argue on the grounds that we don't know why women didn't do schechita,
maybe it
was just that they weren't strong enough or disliked blood or were
just taking someone else's job. Why would that create a problem?

According to the Ramah a posek could come in anumber of years and say
he agrees with RMF but today the minhag is not to eat peanut oil

Eli Turkel

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