[Avodah] 10 pieces of Chometz

T613K at aol.com T613K at aol.com
Fri Apr 13 11:38:56 PDT 2007

_MPoppers at kayescholer.com_ (mailto:MPoppers at kayescholer.com)  wrote:  >>OK, 
so  let's say the reason for this minhag isn't related to  the
chashash of a  b'rachah l'vatalah. << to which I  responded, 

>>But it is.  Why waste time  thinking about a counterfactual  hypothesis?<<


In response, someone sent me the following letter off-list:
==begin quote==
Is this based on research that you did?
The poskim basically conclude  that the issue is NOT brocho levatolo.
Nonetheless, they say to continue this  minhog, as there are other reasons
for it. See, for example, the Chok Yaakov  432:14 (printed in every
standard Shulchan Aruch, who brings reasons to do it  - none relating to
brocho levatolo. There are other halachik reasons (in  addition to
kabbalistic ones relating to 10 pieces etc).
==end quote==
I must admit that I did no research and stand corrected.  But I would  like 
to know some of the other reasons.

--Toby  Katz

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