[Avodah] Torah Study vs. other contributions to society

Doron Beckerman beck072 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 10 17:16:20 PDT 2007

RMB writes: >> and
fired up by his (RDB's) exclusion of alternatives from the realm of "Torah
hashkafah". <<

Whoa. I'm a little more broad minded than that! What I said was this,
and is limited to this:

>> I think your comments on *TuM enhancing understanding that Torah is the
Chochmah of the Borei* are not in sync with the Torah's Hashkafah. <<

Can you tell me a source that Madda enhances understanding that Torah
is Chochmah of the Borei? (Not that Madda enhances understanding the Chochmah
of the Borei, but that Madda enhances understanding that *Torah* is Chochmas
HaBorei, more so that learning Torah without Madda does)

RMB: >>1- I do not believe this is the conclusion one can draw from the
gemara. Yes, binyan BHMQ takes a back seat to talmud Torah. May we
face this decision bb"a. However, we see that lemaaseh, Mordechai's
example is to be followed. We can argue about what is garu'ah about
being forced to follow his example, but the bottom line is that one
can't prioritize even safeiq piqu'ach nefesh behind Torah. <<

IIUC, you agree that Binyan BHM"Q should be prioritized behind Talmud Torah
when choosing what to do. This is true even during the time that Ezra
was eating
or resting - he was not supposed to get up from
his meal or bed and go build the BHM"Q, but to
go back and learn under Baruch ben Neriya.

Why, then, do you distinguish between this and Gadol TT MeHatzalas Nefashos,
and, if there is a distinction, what grants the Taz license to prove anything
from how to understand TT vs. Hatzalah from TT vs. BBHM"Q? The Taz
says explicitly
that these two statements are  identical in their import.

>> The CS needs to give an alternate explanation for the negative
judgment of Mordechai which would seem to say he holds that the
exchange of Torah for hatzalas nefashos would not in-and-of-itself
justify the judgment. And thus he says it was based on Mordechai's
learning being the one Hashem considers more interruptible. <<

Where is the CS?

>> 2- On the more heated issue, RDB's claim that there is a consensus
amongst all Torah hashkafos about the role of talmud Torah not a
matter of finding a maqor for those who take "TT keneged kulam" at a
maximalist face value, but a matter of disproving the existence of
other meqoros. <<

Again, I never said such a thing. I began by asking whether TuM
accepted that Torah
study was superior to any other contribution to society, and, if not, what the
sources were for equating other contributions to society to Torah
study. That "Torah
Hashkafah" thing was on a very limited point.

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