[Avodah] "Tznius Police"

Moshe Yehuda Gluck mgluck at gmail.com
Sun Jun 10 12:35:02 PDT 2007

I found an interesting Sifri this week on the Parshah of the Mekoshesh
Eitzim: "Va'yimtz'u Ish Mekosheshe Eitzim - this teaches us that Moshe
appointed guards (Shomrim) and they found him being Mekoshesh." 
The Netziv (there) in Emek HaNetziv says: "She'minah Moshe Shomrim: Since
they were Perutzim in Chillul Shabbos, he needed to appoint guards for this
more than on any other Mitzvos. [The same thing applies to any sins that the
generation is Parutz in - we learn from here that Beis Din is obligated to
try to appoint guards, as explained in Rambam Hilchos Yom Tov and Shulchan
Aruch OC at the end of 529, Ayin Sham.] Nechemiah ben Chachlaiyah learned
this from here when he appointed guards to watch the gates on Shabbos
because they were Perutzim then, but without this (that they were Perutzim -
MYG) Beis Din is not obligated to do this."

I never realized that the lineage of the so-called "Tznius Police" was so


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