[Avodah] Justifying hatred of the wicked

Samuel Svarc ssvarc at yeshivanet.com
Mon May 14 14:16:52 PDT 2007

>From: mkopinsky at gmail.com
>Subject: Re: [Avodah] Justifying hatred
>On 5/12/07, Samuel Svarc <ssvarc at yeshivanet.com> wrote:
>> >From: "Elazar M. Teitz" <remt at juno.com>
>> >     Assuming the 13 Ikkarim to be y'sodos haTorah, which of them --
>> >other than the first -- can be said to be instinctively known?
>> Basically all of them. There are classical machlokisim about some, but
>> we are referring, as do countless sifrei halacha, to the yesodos as a
>> whole.
>> Like for example, the CC in Ahavas Chessed, Chelek 1, Perek 3, "...Kol
>> shu mamin b'shloshu asar ikrei hadas...".
>What is at all instictive about Nevuas Moshe Rabbeinu?  Could you figure
>that out without being told?  How about Meshiach?  or Techiyas Hameisim?
>or Nevuah at all? etc. etc. etc.
>     * natural:  unthinking; prompted by (or as if by) instinct; "a cat's
>       natural aversion to water"; "offering to help was as instinctive as
>       breathing"
>       wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn

I've also written, "I was referring to the Yesodot HaTorah, were the
consensus throughout halacha has been that *this* knowledge is basically
self-evident." If you think that the difference between instinctive and self
evident is m'akev, substitute self evident.

As for some of the specific ones that you refer to above, I don't think a TS
can know those, i.e. they're not self-evident. However, reread what I wrote
above, "There are classical machlokisim about some, but we are referring, as
do countless sifrei halacha, to the yesodos as a whole." What I meant was,
and I should have been more clear, that there are some that we don't expect
the TS to know, but we still refer to 13 ikkrei hadas as one unit.

I was asked for the source of this assertion. R' Elchonan in Kovetz Mamarim
has a few essays around this topic, but in particular the one titled
"Shibush B'deos". As well, there is an English sefer that records the
shuirim from R' Yakkov Weinberg, RY of Ner Yisroel, on the 13 ikkarim.


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