[Avodah] fashion models and opera singers

T613K at aol.com T613K at aol.com
Sun May 13 18:43:20 PDT 2007

>>Not being a opera buff, I don't know too much about  this.
But MUST an opera always have a female singer?

And was it  standard practice for THE gedolim of Germany to attend?
And is there any  evidence that others besides RSRH did so -
and whether he did so regularly  or just once or twice?<<


I don't know how to check it out but I doubt that RSR Hirsch actually  ever 
went to the opera.
Re your other question -- must an opera have female singers? -- they used  to 
 have castrati, male sopranos.  I'm sure it's assur for bnai Noach  to do 
such a thing but once it's done, would it be mutar for a Jew to benefit  (by 
going to hear one of those poor mutilated men sing)?  I actually once  heard a 
recording of the last of the castrati (sorry I can't remember what the  singular 
is) -- a recording made in around 1910 of a man who had been operated  on as a 
child probably fifty or sixty years before that.  Was I even  allowed to 
listen to that recording on the radio?  

--Toby  Katz

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