[Avodah] chumrot of sefardim (was "sweet chalot

Gershon Dubin gershon.dubin at juno.com
Thu May 10 20:11:51 PDT 2007

<<The resultant Q is whether the guest should take a chance on 
insulting rather than definitely follow the Halachah of his host, and, 
again, I would think he should not take such a chance and only follow his

own Halachah if he knows the host will be OK with his actions.  Perhaps 
the Chevra can pitch in with any SHuT, either from ROY or from another 
poseiq who holds similar views re "sweet challot," that deal with the
adam lachaveiro aspect of being an orach -- >>

I don't understand why the Rama in Yoreh Deah 112:15 is not pertinent
It would seem from there that with pas specifically one has an obligation
avoid ketata even at the cost of sacrificing his personal chumrah.

gershon.dubin at juno.com

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