[Avodah] Yebamoth and Megilath Ruth

Galsaba at aol.com Galsaba at aol.com
Mon May 7 07:23:13 PDT 2007

I  will give names, so it will be easier for me to phrase my question: Let's 
say a man his name is Yoash, and his mother is Naomi, and his wife is Ruth. 
Now, let's say that Yoash dies, and after he dies Naomi gives a bitrh to a son.  
To my understanding of the Masechet, the new born son cannot be a Yabam, at 
least for two reasons:
1. He was not in this world when Yoash was alive
2. He is Yoash's brother from the mohter only.
If this is the case, why in Megilat Ruth Naomi tells Ruth and Orpa not to 
wait for her to have children? of course they cannot wait, they SHOULD NOT, 
because according to the masechet, they will not be able to marry him.


Aaron Galsaba

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