[Avodah] Yom Ha'Atzma'ut

Samuel Svarc ssvarc at yeshivanet.com
Sun Apr 29 22:35:56 PDT 2007

As per the moderators request, this thread was moved to Avodah from Areivim.
To recap for those that might have missed it...

In Areivim Digest, Vol 23, Issue 354, R' Moshe Feldman posted:

" I wrote someone yesterday:
"Chag Atzma'ut Sameach."

He wrote me back:
> I tried searching for this Chag in SA, but was unable to locate it. 
> Could you please give me a mareh makom?

Magen Avraham siman 686 sk 5
Chasam Sofer chelek 1 siman 191 "

I commented on this:

" Ironically, that Chasam Sofer brings down the issur of adding
Yomim Tovim for the entire Klal Yisroel.
(Scans of the Chasam Sofer available to all.) "

To which R' MF replied:

>However, the CS does very clearly state that the tzibbur of an entire 
>medinah (such as the State of Israel) can accept upon itself a chag.
>You may have a point as to whether people in Chutz La'aretz may 
>celebrate YhA to the extent we do here.
>(ASCII text of Chasam Sofer available to all.)

Here then is my response:

When something is established illegitimately, as a new Yom Tov for Klal
Yisroel, the whole thing falls off. If instead, they would have made a
"Purim d'EY" like many cities made "Purim's" throughout history when they
had a nes, who knows, many more people might be holding it today. But this
didn't happen. It was packaged as a new "Yom Tov", something which is
problematic halachically and led people to suspect, rightly or wrongly, that
this was to push the view that the Medina is 'aschalta d'geulah'. "T'fosteh
m'rubah, lo t'fostah."


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