[Avodah] Concerning Ourselves with the non-Jewish world

Doron Beckerman beck072 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 11 16:27:10 PDT 2007

This is an open Rabbeinu Yonah in his Peirush on Avos:
*Rabbeinu Yonah, Commentary to Pirkei Avos, Chapter 3 Mishnah 2:*
"*Rabbi Chaninah Segan HaKohanim says, pray for the welfare of the monarchy,
for were it not for trepidation of it, a man would swallow his fellow

'This statement is meant to express the idea that a person should daven
for peace in the entire world and to feel pain when others suffer;
and this is the way of the Tzaddikim, as David *Alav HaShalom, *said
(Tehillim 35:13) "And I, when they take ill, my clothes are sackcloth,
I afflict my soul with fasting".

For a person should not make his supplications and requests solely for
his own needs, rather he should daven for all human beings that they
be in a peaceful environment, and when there is peace of the monarchy,
there is peace in the world.'

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