[Avodah] not working on chol hamoed

T613K at aol.com T613K at aol.com
Sun Apr 8 00:26:38 PDT 2007

From: "Eli Turkel" _eliturkel at gmail.com_ (mailto:eliturkel at gmail.com) 

>>They asked a posek who said she should show up for
work but  not do anything (unless it was pikuach nefesh).
I was greatly disturbed by  this psak. It seems the posek is more worried
about possible work on chol  hamoed then choshen mishpat issues of
getting paid but refusing to  work.<<

Eli Turkel

She should go back and ask the same posek that very question -- how can a  
paid employee sit there and refuse to work?  I agree it's a strange  psak.
I note that in general they do seem to take chol hamoed very seriously in  
E'Y (is that only the charedi community?) while we in chu'l are perhaps too lax  
about chol hamoed.   
But I don't know anyone in chu'l who would refuse to work on chol hamoed --  
or who would even think of asking a shaila.  
BTW I am typing these very words on chol hamoed, whereas before the  advent 
of the internet, I never used to type on chol hamoed.   I  still  wonder if 
it's mutar and simply assume that if everyone now does it,  it must be mutar.  
Yes, this is similar to the teudas hechsher  of  some frum restaurants discussed 
in these pages a few months ago, the "alle  essen" hechsher.  I sure hope 
that's a good hechsher.  While I am  bringing up this chol hamoed question, let 
me add another:   does  typing on chol hamoed become an issur only if I print 
out what I typed?   How about if I print out what someone else typed?  

--Toby  Katz

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