[Avodah] Non Terief Cows for Milk - Why Not BP Cows? Even Better.

Meir Rabi meirabi at optusnet.com.au
Thu May 10 09:26:23 PDT 2007

Joel Rich commented: we don't x-ray cows to ensure they're not treifot (and
may drink their milk) because it is kashe lvarrer. I know there is a tshuvah
(I think it was the minchat Yitzchak) who was asked about setting up a
"hashgacha" of this type and he basically dismissed it out of hand (I can
find it if anyone is interested).

Yes please, would you find that Teshuvah you were referring to?

Can X-ray or other scanning show the soft tissue damage that renders animals

How often would the dairy cows need to be so examined? Would once a year be
adequate or perhaps it might be done monthly? I suppose we might have even
within this super hashgocha a variety of levels, once, twice and thrice
annually. And what would those who never drink milk be known as?

It is an interesting exercise to contemplate what obligations might we have
once such milk is made available. Would we be obligated to use the superior
K milk?

Anyway, the solution to all these issues is quite simple. Raise a herd of
dairy Beney Pekuah cows. Such beasts are never disqualified due to any
internal or external blemishes. So we could raise a herd of guaranteed
non-teriefa cows and be positively assured that all the milk came
exclusively from KC, Kosher Cows. Is that Kashe LiVeRuRe?

There is an additional benefit. The Acharonim argue about the status of a
Ben Pekuah's milk; is it Chalav Shechuta and therefore Pareve or is it
Chalav of a "mother", an Eim (as in Lo SeVuShel BeChalav Imo) and therefore
"normal" milk? At least the ShaAr HaMelech and R Akiva Eiger consider BP
milk to be pareve.

I believe that Rabbi Moshe Heinemann was once toying with the notion of
setting up a Ben Pekuah Kosher herd for meat production. Has anyone heard of
such a thing?


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