[Avodah] Tznius

Moshe Yehuda Gluck mgluck at gmail.com
Sat Apr 28 21:16:45 PDT 2007

R'n Kayza Zajac, on Areivim:
*I know of at least two rabbonim who have said that for a skirt to be
*realistically proper (ie for a normal person rather than a statue), the
*skirt needs to fall at least 2 inches below the knee - not the MIDDLE of
*the knee, but the bottom of the knee, and a bit more is better.  That's
*getting to mid-calf, which you just don't see much of.  I can tell you
*from experience that unless you get at least that length, the knees DO
*show.    I see it all the time.

Were a woman to cover herself to the middle of the knee, and ensure that her
skirt does not ride up, assuming there are no other social mores that
require her to cover more, and assuming that Shok does not the include the
calves, has she satisfied the Ikkar HaDin? (In other words, is a woman
Mechuyeves to cover the bottom half of the knee Mei'ikkar Hadin?)


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