[Avodah] Yetzer HoRa Issues

Litke, Gary glitke at willkie.com
Tue Dec 5 19:49:24 PST 2006

RYGB writes: "I have been asked to address the fundamental statement
made by Chazal (Koheles Rabbah 4:15) 
that is a core issue in the education of high school age students -- 
viz., that while  one is  born with his or her yetzer ho'ra, the yetzer 
ha'tov only begins its development at the age of bar or bas mitzvah."

GL: There are also ma'amarei chazal (including some in the Zohar, I'm
told) to the effect that one's neshomo first appears at age 12/13 and/or
20. Seems that we are discussing a process, not sudden appearances. When
the process ripens it becomes fully a 'yetzer tov' or a 'neshomo'; not
to say there is no yetzer tov whatsoever before that time.


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