[Avodah] Minhagim of the Ashkenaz Synagogue ("The Luach") (5774)

Elazar M. Teitz remt at juno.com
Tue Sep 3 18:41:32 PDT 2013

     RDYitzchok Levine wrote, "Shall we say that the saying of the first selichos at 1 am is just as authentic as saying them at 6:20 am on  Sunday morning as I did?  I personally think not."

     You are right.  Saying S'lichos at 1:00 AM is not as authentic as saying them at 6:20 AM; it is _more_ authentic.  One of the phrases you said was "Gnon na giz'o b'za'akam b'od layil."  How could you say this truthfully after sunrise?  It was obviously meant to be said while it was still night, and probably should have been skipped if said after daybreak, to avoid a false t'filla.



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