[Avodah] How many Korban Pesachs could be sacrificed in 1 day?

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Mon Sep 2 15:54:53 PDT 2013

On 2/09/2013 5:22 PM, Elazar M. Teitz wrote:
> The entire azara, 187 x 135 amos, was 25425 square amos.  Allowing as little as one square ama per person (far less than a square meter), even the entire area of the azara could not accommodate 30000 people, let alone the 400000 per group needed to generate 1.2 million korbanos.

I'm assuming that those not actively sacrificing don't need even a square amah,
let alone a square metre.  I was allowing a square metre (which is probably
generous) for the ones actively shechting, and the kohanim attending them.
The rest could squash very tightly, though I imagine they'd have to hold their
lambs up to avoid getting them squashed and possibly becoming treif.

It's also possible, I suppose, that several chavuros would send their lambs
with one shliach, who'd have to remember which was which, and shecht each one
lesheim its owners.   Is one allowed to mark the wool of a korban with paint
or something, so as to be able to recognise it afterwards?   If so, perhaps
the shliach could just shecht each one lesheim its owners, whoever they happen
to be, and then bring them out and the owners would each recognise and claim
their own.

On 2/09/2013 6:11 PM, M Cohen wrote:
> In addition, all of the emurim have to burnt before nightfall
> (from 1.2 million korban pesachs!)

No, by the next morning.

> The blood from 1.2 million would drown everyone

It drained away.

> where to roast 1.2m KP, etc

All over Y'm!

Zev Sero
zev at sero.name

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