[Avodah] Rambam on False Messiahs

saul newman newman400 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 28 11:35:11 PDT 2013

this interesting discussion lends itself to consideration of the
leader/follower  in the last generation about whom messianic  claims
were/are made .  except  i am not sure  where along in the potential
messiah's claim, sufficient evidence has accrued to make it a viable
*possible*  consideration;  or  a point  * in his lifetime* where it
 becomes no longer possible to accord with the RMBM's codified criteria.
 [meaning that once deceased, having not fulfilled all the criteria
required, he has proven his non-messianic status]....

 if we use  rZS 's  example of  bar kochba [where there is no dissent to
the thesis that he is NOT the messiah]  , was there a chiyuv to follow him,
and believe in him; and at what point did that become assur....

i assume that it is somehow required for the Einei Haeidah to be maskim to
his status, and  by eidah i mean of most camps in Klal Yisrael ...
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