[Avodah] pre- leap year ki tisa

Kenneth Miller kennethgmiller at juno.com
Fri Aug 16 12:11:53 PDT 2013

R' Aaul Newman brought our attention to this article:

> http://thepartialview.blogspot.co.il/2013/08/remembering-amalek-this-shabbos-parshas.html

which says, in part:

> Why will some pay special attention this week during
> leining - kriyas hatorah on shabbos parshas ki setzei? ...
> ...
> Some Rishonim  are of the opinion that the mitzvah of
> remembering Amalek must be performed every year.  R. Moshe
> Sofer, the Chasam Sofer, (Even HaEzer no.1: 119) suggests
> that the reason for the annual requirement is based on a
> comment of the Gemara, Berachos 58b, that certain events
> are forgotten after twelve months. The frequency of mitzvas
> zechiras Amalek is based on a requirement to prevent
> forgetting the battle of Amalek.  Therefore, one must
> remember the battle of Amalek every twelve months.

Very interesting. But in my mind, it unleashes a whole boatload of questions.

#1) What would the Chasam Sofer say, if we asked him why previous generations never institutionalized the reading of Ki Sisa in years prior to a leap year?

#2) Parshas Zachor fell on 9 Adar 5772 and on 13 Adar 5773. That too is over 12 months, even without an Adar Sheni. So this same advice should be followed in such cases too, no?

#3) Granted that it is over 12 months from 13 Adar 5773 until 13 Adar Sheni 5774. However, Beshalach is scheduled to be read on 10 Shevat 5774. Doesn't that count? Even if Zechiras Amelek must be read from a Sefer Torah, is the specific parsha me'akev?

#4) I'm very fuzzy on this whole "special attention" thing. I know that there's a machlokes over whether Mitzvos Tzrichos Kavana. And I know that it is often said that we hold that for d'Oraisas, we do indeed need kavana. Now tell me: How many people actually have this "special attention" when they remember Yetzias Mitzrayim in the third paragraph of the Shema? If this "special attention" is so important, why are there no takanos or minhagim to enforce it for Yetzias Mitzrayim? (Reminders which appear in modern siddurim don't count.) For that matter, why are there no takanos or minhagim to enforce this "special attention" on Parshas Zachor?

Akiva Miller
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