[Avodah] kinos

Poppers, Michael Michael.Poppers at kayescholer.com
Mon Jul 22 15:50:34 PDT 2013

In Avodah V31n130, R'Micha wrote:
> I must confess it's hard for me to relate to qorbanos, but I can relate
> to the fact that I'm supposed to be missing them, and I can mourn the
> fact that I don't. And so, I ask the RBSO not only for a restoration of
> the qorban mussaf question and qorbanos in general, but that by doing
> so I could see what I'm missing in my relationship to Him.

I feel like I'm missing gilui Shchinah, and I think many of our Amidah
baqashos are targeted towards it; all of the aspects of a functioning
Miqdash, including qorbanos, are subsumed in that fundamental state.
(Naturally, I don't know if I could handle gilui Shchinah better than
pre-Churban Jews did -- as the movie line goes, "The truth? You can't
handle the truth!" [IINM, Malkovich to Eastwood in "In the Line of
Fire," but maybe it was Nicholson talking about a "code red"?] -- but I
would prefer the challenge to the current state of affairs.)] As such,
I relate to qorbanos (and Bircas "R'tzei") as a way in which I can see
gilui Shchinah in operation (granted, not their primary purpose).

All the best from 
-- Michael Poppers via BB pager

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