[Avodah] showering on a three day chag

Ben Waxman ben1456 at zahav.net.il
Mon Sep 23 22:01:12 PDT 2013

With another three day chag coming up (for those outside of Israel) I 
thought that I would send the following.

http://www.zomet.org.il/_Uploads/1490.pdf (page 5)
http://en.calameo.com/read/001660802e43d2426f8ca (page 47)

Many have the custom of not showering even during a three day chag. Rav 
Rimon and Rav Melamed both wrote this year that it is permitted.

Rav Rimon gives two reasons:
1) Showering is a "devar shaveh l'kol nefesh". Heating up water is not 
the luxury item that it used to be, therefore there is no reason to 
prohibit showering lest someone heat up water for the shower.
2) Since a daily (or more) shower is quite the norm, and going without a 
shower for even one day leaves one to feel uncomfortable, we are defined 
as "mitz'taer".

If one has a solar heater that removes any problem of heating the water, 
certainly on Yom Tov.

Both rabbanim rule that one should use liquid soap.


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