cantorwolberg at cox.net cantorwolberg at cox.net
Fri Aug 30 14:00:56 PDT 2013

The letters of the word Oneg, rearranged, spell Nega. As I "see" it, 
the meaning of the pivotal ayin is instructive.  So the difference 
between the two words: oneg and nega? is where the ayin is placed. 
When it's the first letter of the word, oneg, it indicates the eye can see right from 
the beginning. In other words, one can see the complete picture  
and therefore has "delight."  As it says in the gemara: "Who is wise? 
The one who foresees the outcome of present actions or decisions (Tamid 32b).
However, if one does not "see" (and acts before thinking), then the
ayin comes at the end, and there is affliction (nega).

To further this theme, the gematria of ayin, nun, gimel is 123. The 
word "ma-oz" also has the gematria of 123. Ma-oz means stronghold or
mighty, and certainly can impart oneg (delight). On the other hand, when
oneg becomes nega, the word milchama, which also has the gematria of 123, 
could apply. In other words, "war" certainly IS and causes affliction.
May the New Year be one of ONEG,  with a stronghold of health, 
and may it happen one, two, three! 

May our order never become DISorder.

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