[Avodah] Must we agree with the Torah?, Retzoncha and Retzono

Rabbi Meir G. Rabi meirabi at gmail.com
Thu Aug 15 21:58:13 PDT 2013

On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 06:54:52PM +1000, Meir Rabi wrote:

: I gathered through the discussion, that some contributors were
suggesting that the notion of Ma Hu, Af Atta; applies also to those things
He prohibits us from doing...but I don't think this correct. Ma Hu, Af
Atta, is illustrated exclusively by those Middos that are of interpersonal

Reb Micha responded;
We were discussing "asei Retzono kirtoznkha", which doesn't have this
limitation. And implies we should not only do His Will because it's His
Will, but we should try to adapt our desires to match His.

I reject Reb Michas explanation:
It is a remarkable response, remarkable that Chazal should see [if Reb
Micha is correct] an expansion of Ma Hu into a completely new arena. The
Gemara would disqualify such an interpretation with its standard rejection,
- Why not say the bigger Chiddush and never mind with the smaller? In
Australia we are fond of the bloke who puts two flywires over his windows,
one with small holes and one with big holes. Mr. Bloke explains, the first
flywire with the big holes keeps the big flies out, the second layer with
the small holes keeps the small flies out. [this story is the best way for
kids to learn this piece of Talmudic knowledge, it is sweet and memorable]

Can we seriously contend that Mu Hu Rachum means ACT as though we are a
Rachum without actually feeling Rachmanus? I would say NO. So we are
instructed to be like HKBH or more accurately – HKBH created within us such
feelings so that we can understand and relate to HKBH and be like HKBH in
those particular things alone.

Besides how does one explain the very selfish sounding conclusion of that
statement in Avos? IN ORDER THAT HE WILL MAKE His will like your will. Reb
Ch Volozsiner has a lovely understanding of this. Avos 2:4, which clearly
avoids Reb Michas perspective.

No, we are not instructed to feel that pig or anything else forbidden is
ugly or distasteful, OTHER THAN THOSE THINGS which to us NORMAL people are
NATURALLY disgusting and reprehensible. Like eating Shkotzim, as the Gem
says HaMaAleh EsChem from Mitrayim, we were elevated from those dregs of
humanity who ate these disgusting things. WHY does it not say that we were
elevated from those PAGANS who worshipped the sheep and the cats? Because
there is no such disgust, neither natural nor that should be promoted
through some artificial and self deluding regimen of religious imaginary

I am passionate about this after seeing and hearing the ridiculous and
distorting consequences that develop from such perverted propositions. For
example, the person who proudly tells me that their father would not eat
from dishes that the Goytte had washed, in their own house, maintaining the
strictest care of all Kashrus guidelines. And this was not an unhinged
fanatic, but a person well respected in the community. Nebech, Yiddishkeit
is misdirected and misinformed.

Rabbenu Bachya, also goes out of his way to make it clear that there is no
suggestion that we ought to feel, only that we ought to be as enthusiastic
and vigorous in performing HKBHs will. He says KeLoMar which is the
equivalent of ringing a warning bell – DON’T think this means what is said,
what he REALLY means to say is the following …… Rashi says it means Do it
LeSheim ShaMaYim. See Chassid YaAvetz [amongst those exiled from Spain] who
also explains RaTzonCha differently.


Meir G. Rabi
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