[Avodah] RYGB on Rav Elyashiv

Ben Waxman ben1456 at zahav.net.il
Sun Jul 21 19:00:31 PDT 2013


An article by Rav Yosef Gavriel Bechhofer  on Rav Elyashiv. The article 
avoids the normal  items about how the rav learned X number of hours per 
day. Instead it describes Rav Elyashiv's derech in psak in a few 
different areas. I found the psak about honoring one's parents 
particularly interesting because it touched on the question of daas 
torah, but in a different way from what is normally discussed here 
(rabbis ruling on social/cultural issues from which they are 
disconnected). Actually all of the items were very interesting and 
worthy of discussion.


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