[Avodah] Women & Kaddish

Daniel M. Israel dmi1 at cornell.edu
Mon Jul 1 17:31:13 PDT 2013

On Jun 27, 2013, at 8:44 PM, Meir Shinnar <chidekel at gmail.com> wrote:
> 1). In 1973-4, at Barnard, there was a student who had a letter from RMF saying she should be allowed to say Kaddish.  When she would go to a new shul, she would meet with the rabbi ahead of time to show the letter so there would not be any questions.  It's been a while, & I don't recall the details of the heter ( back then I didn't realize its importance ).  

A little tangent to you point but I'm curious if you recall how this was worded.  That RMF paskened she could say kaddish doesn't surprise me; that he would write a letter instructing the mara d'atra in any shul where the letter was presented how he should hold for his own shul would surprise me.

Daniel M. Israel
dmi1 at cornell.edu

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