[Avodah] What was AA's Hetter to endanger his people

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Tue Nov 8 18:12:54 PST 2011

On Sun, Nov 06, 2011 at 12:23:17PM -0500, Zev Sero wrote:
>> A milchemes reshus isn't just for finances, though.

> Sure it is.  "Milchemes horeshus is a war that he wages with other
> nations to expand Israel's border and to increase his greatness and
> fame."  A war fought when there's an actual invasion from an enemy is
> milchemes mitzvah.

Where do you see mention of finances there?

A war fought against the 7 ammim or Amaleiq is a milchemes mitzvah.

A defensive war against anyone else is either a milchemes mitzvah,
or a milchamah that is a reshus midinei milchamah but compelled by
"haba lehargekha..." As I already wrote, this is a machloqes between
the Chakhamim and R' Yehudah. The only nafqa mina lehalakhah is that
R' Yehudah wouldn't allow drafting chasanim and kallos for such wars.

Since the war is a chiyuv in either of these cases, the melekh doesn't
have to ask Sanhedrin permission.

A pure milchemes reshus is one waged for security, but without an
immediate danger. E.g. the conquest of Suria, or not letting neighboring
nations violate the border (and steal straw). Here Sanhedrin has to
give permission. (Sanhedrin 20b)

There is also Rashi's shitah in "Ki Seitzei" that a milchemes reshus is
one outside the boarders of Israel, and a milchemes mitzvah is one inside
the borders. Which is why "ki *seitzei* lemilchamah" is used to introduce
laws that only apply to a milchemes reshus. And thus he categorizes
the war against Midian a milkhemes reshus! See the Minchas Chinukh.

LAD, the essential difference is that a milkhemes mitzvah (according to
Chakhamim) is one that defends existing borders, and a milkhemes reshus
expands borders. The Rambam then takes this to mean asserting power to
avoid future danger, whereas Rashi takes this to mean a war on EY's soil
vs one outside the borders.

But notice that even in the examples you raised, a milchemes reshus
asserts sovereignty, showing our might vs other nations and thus insuring
long-term survival. It's not about money.

Tir'u baTov!

Micha Berger             It is our choices...that show what we truly are,
micha at aishdas.org        far more than our abilities.
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