[Avodah] To Stand or Not to Stand for a Chosson and Kallah

Prof. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Wed Nov 2 07:58:18 PDT 2011

At 09:38 AM 11/2/2011, R. Moshe Y. Gluck wrote:

>"Why not" would be because of Chukos Hagoyim. That said, another reason I
>heard (and I think I posted it last time this came up), is that we stand
>before people who are doing a mitzvah. The chosson and kallah are coming to
>do the mitzvos (to link to a recent thread) of Ki Yikach Ish Ishah and
>Piryah V'rivyah, so we stand in their honor.

I think you mean that we stand before people who are *going* to do a 
mitzvah.  After all, most people do not stand throughout the entire 
chupah, only when the Choson and Kallah walk down.

If it is indeed the case that we stand when people are going to do a 
mitzvah,  then why don't we stand when the Baal Kriah gets up to 
lein,  when the Baal Shachris goes to the Amud to daven,  etc. ?


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