[Avodah] losing 'nishba' status

Lisa Liel lisa at starways.net
Thu Oct 6 12:36:40 PDT 2011

On 10/6/2011 12:50 PM, Saul.Z.Newman at kp.org wrote:
> http://reformjudaismmag.org/Articles/index.cfm?id=2854
> discussion on emes  v'emunah  blog on this  article,  and the relevant 
>  question is--- how  much knowledge/practice  is  enough to make  one 
> lose  tinok shenishba  status, and therefore incur  liability for 
>  ones actions....
>         the most  machmir  position i  ever heard  was a  rov  who 
> said  in this era  [this was before internet yet]  so much  jewish 
>  info is available ,  no one should get a presumption of  'ignorance 
> of the law'....

I was talking with Rav Mendel Blachman in Israel once, and I asked him 
if my father, for example, would be considered a tinok she'nishba.  He 
asked me, "Does your father know that Jews are supposed to keep 
kosher?"  Yes.  "Does he keep kosher?"  No.  "So no, when it comes to 
kashrut, he isn't."

My first thought was that maybe my initial answer that he knows Jews are 
supposed to keep kosher isn't 100% accurate.  He knows it, but does he 
know that it's a mandatory obligation rather than just a cultural 
ritual?  I don't know for sure.

My second thought was that the idea that a person could be considered a 
tinok she'nishba in some areas and not in others was a fascinating 
chiddush, and that whether the sources support it or not, it makes a 
good deal of logical sense.

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