[Avodah] Beis Yosef Meat

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Wed Jun 30 03:30:19 PDT 2010

Prof. Levine wrote:
> In response to the following question:
> Am I correct that if meat were slaughtered _only according to the 
> standards of the Bais Yosef_ and the standards of the Rema were ignored, 
> then Ashkenazim would not be allowed to eat it?

I don't know about shechitah, but it's my understanding that nikkur
according to minhag Sefard, which is more lenient than minhag Ashkenaz,
was accepted by the Ashkenazim of Yerushalayim, mostly for lack of
a choice: the Turks didn't allow them to have their own shechitah.
And therefore to this day, the minhag Yerushalayim on nikkur follows
the BY and not the Ramo.

(Note: I'm not sure what the exact issue is, that constitutes this
difference; I vaguely recall some mention of veridim, but I may have
misheard or misunderstood or just misrecollected.)

Zev Sero                      The trouble with socialism is that you
zev at sero.name                 eventually run out of other people’s money
                                                     - Margaret Thatcher

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