[Avodah] onshin shelo min hadin

Eli Turkel eliturkel at gmail.com
Sun May 16 13:14:32 PDT 2010

In our ongoing discussion on the possibility of a modern
(nonmessianic) halachic state
one person had mentioned the halacha that we can punish people against halacha
to prevent unlawful behavior.

I recently saw the Ran on Sanhedrin 91 in the din of kipa that he says
that this is only a
n emergency rule  but one cannot make a permanent rule since even a prophet
cannot introduce new regulations. Therefore the Ran concludes that kipa
must be a halacha to Moshe from Sinai. Note the Rivash disagrees and claims
that kipa is one of the prerogatives of bet din though presumable he limits
also to emergency measures.

Eli Turkel

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