[Avodah] Selling whiskey/bourbon

Danny Schoemann doniels at gmail.com
Wed Apr 14 06:10:11 PDT 2010

R' David Riceman wrote:
: If more than a few people were makpid on eating hullin b'tohorah then
: people would starve since, in the days before pesticides, a large
: proportion of grain would be infested with rodents.

I don't follow your train of thought.

Live rodents don't cause Tum'ah. (I'm assuming the "rodent" is
"English" for the "7 Sherotzim" that are Metamei as in the end of
Parsha Shemini.)

Dead rodents would only be a problem if found on grain that got wet on
purpose after it was harvested - and even then, only the grain around
the dead rodent would be an issue. (The grain touching the dead
rodent, the kernels touching those - up to 4 kernels away at the
strictest level of "al Taharas HaKodesh")


- Danny

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