[Avodah] Who First Said It? 7 - Mourning during Sefirah

rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Wed Apr 21 09:32:23 PDT 2010

>: C Noticing the lack of sweeping aveilus in any early sources - rather
>:   finding a defined subset.

> There is equally a lack of sweeping ChM as well.»

Ein hachi nami

Here we see that we cannot even undrstand ech other - how can we possibly
inderstand Gmara?

As I have explained ad nauseum if a subset of chhm was instituted ADDING
ON would be retrofitting!

What was suggested above was this was somehow implicit that since I said
ChHm is the proximate cause so adding on to THAT makes sense somehow

It doesn't

What makes sense is leaving it alone as it was - whatever the takkanah
was and NOT revising it via any clever lamuds - unless it is needed.

> Music is a later development. The notion of live music outside the
> context of a party was to rare for our ancestors to build a minhag
> around it one way or the other.

My version of elu m'galchin has mkqonnenos metapchos etc.  

Music was used to wail as well as to dance.

I don't see any evidence that music went underground

Now mabe tosafos thought that there were zero musical instruments around
so that clapping on YT was muttar, but I don't even think he said that!

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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