[Avodah] What Was R Akiva doing & Thinking whilst this plague decimated his Talmidim

Meir Rabi meirabi at gmail.com
Tue Apr 20 22:02:52 PDT 2010

Reb Micha tailored my query
>: As per historians?
>: Fighting Rome

> As I noted about a month back, R' Hai Gaon also translated "askera"
> (Yevamos 62b) as "sicarii" (sing: sicarius), a kind of dagger used by
> a lower rank of Roman soldier.

> So, it's not just the historians.

But I asked this according to the traditions that appear to be the common
Yeshivishe perspective, it was due to the fact that they did not accord
one another the respect they ought to have.

But even according to R Hai, I wonder how to learn the Peshat in the
Gemara that does clearly mention something to do with their failing to
meet Gd's high standards.

And let us say that there was a military campaign and the Talmidim
did participate, who and what criteria were used to determine when the
campaign should cease. Was it a conscious decision to fight till the
last man?

What did Chazal wish to achieve by commemorating this as a permanent
fixture in our calendar?

Rabbi Meir G. Rabi
please visit http://www.kosherveyosher.com.au/modx/index.php

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