[Avodah] Sobering Thoughts as Israel's Independence Day Approaches
Saul.Z.Newman at kp.org
Saul.Z.Newman at kp.org
Sun Apr 18 19:11:15 PDT 2010
1. the whole enterprise is evil, and the sitra achra will go to all
lengths to fool the frum jews who 'fell for it'. ie in this scenario
the NK-satmar position is the correct one , the DL jews fell in , the
zionists are the erev rav/tools of the satan ; and all the non-frum jews
don't come into the cheshbon
2. be'itta achishena. at a time when 90 % of jews fell away from the
torah derech, the frum jews had not enough merit to bring mashiach.
but churban always is followed by respite. here, the task was to build a
sheerit lapleita. some saw this a holy task , others parve. in any case
, it was sufficient cause to cause irreversible theological and
practical pirud between supposedly torah jews --allowing all sides to hate
their brethren leshem shamayim.
this removes all sides' zchyos ,and it is truly chessed that it is
allowed to stand
3. using the bilaam-iyov-yitro analogy, it would seem that one extreme or
the other should be the correct answer [ ie either a holy enterprise or
the work of the devil]. those taking the iyovian approach of
shev-val-tedaber clearly are asking for trouble...
i am sure there are a million other choices, though the RBSO has yet a
different playbook....
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