[Avodah] Sobering Thoughts as Israel's Independence Day Approaches

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Sun Apr 18 09:43:51 PDT 2010

Daniel Bukingolts wrote:

> As someone who is strongly in the not tzioni camp, one thing I have been 
> struggling with is if the state of Israel could possibly be prolonging 
> the geulah.... why all the seemingly huge miracles to create and keep 
> its existence? How do you explain 48 war? 67? Do you just write it off 
> by saying... in the path a person wants to go Hashem guides him? (or 
> whatever the phrase is...)

In both cases any other result would have caused a massacre r"l worse
than Tach Vetat, and a massive chilul Hashem ("lama yomru vagoyim ayeh
elokeihem").  HKBH had "no choice" keveyachol but to give the Jews a
victory.  The '67 victory, though, was more than that; not only were
the Jews saved by open miracles, but "venahafoch hu"; I think it can
only be seen as a call to teshuva ("lu chachmu yaskilu zot") which
would have led to moshiach coming.  

Zev Sero                      The trouble with socialism is that you
zev at sero.name                 eventually run out of other people’s money
                                                     - Margaret Thatcher

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