[Avodah] Chessed shebigvura

rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Wed Apr 7 10:49:28 PDT 2010

Micha's signature:
> Chesed sheb'Gevurah: When is holding back
> a Chesed for another?

I might be mistaken but I think this question better refers to G'vurah
sheb'chessed as opposed to vice versa

The simple answer is EG not giving money as tzedakkah to an
Alcoholic Panhandler

Once I was confronted by a panhandler near NYC's Port Authority.
He asked for a hand-out for a meal.

Instead of giving him some cash, I treated him to a burger at a nearby
"burger joint" and paid for his dinner - which included a cup of coffee.

The g'vurah here was the act of supervising him that he did not go to
a liquor store to buy some ripple or other alcoholic beverage.

The chessed was treating him to a real meal.

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