[Avodah] Is the term he died before his time correct?
Micha Berger
micha at aishdas.org
Fri Oct 10 09:03:45 PDT 2008
I wrote on Erev YK at 1:42pm EDT:
> On Wed, Oct 08, 2008 at 09:43:16AM -0400, Cantor Wolberg wrote:
>: It can all be reconciled with Tosfos' response that when the
>: Gemara says that they are written and sealed for life or death,
>: it doesn't mean in this world, but in the next world.
> I never got this, since a person is judged upon petirah for olam haba.
> What does having a fate sealed in olam haba between YK and death mean?
A lurker replied (posted with reshus):
: 1) About Tosfos on Olam Haba the Rashba to RH 16 asks your question on
: Tosfos. See Sifsei Chaim (Friedlander) who explains that whether a person
: has a good or bad year in Olam Hazeh depends on whether he is a Ben Olam
: Haba or not.Once determined that he is a Ben Olam Haba (according to
: the GRA within Tosfos - for Tzaddikim that is written and sealed on RH)
: or that he is not (Reshaim on RH) or if it is undetermined until YK
: (Beinonim) [That is R' Kruspedai in RH 16b]...
: ... then Hashem decides what kind of Olam Hazeh he has for that year
: (everyone written on RH and sealed on YK - that is R' Yishmael in RH
: 16a). A Rasha might have a good year to give him reward since he is
: out of Olam Haba, and a Tzaddik a bad one, etc. But the determination
: of being a Ben Olam Haba has to made annually.
I then asked (in that same email):
> In general, if a person is assessed at all times ba'asher hu sham, what
> is the judgment of Yamim Noraim, or the 3 other times we are judged?
To which he answered:
: 2) Judgement of Yomim Noraim - on Rosh Hashanah is Baasher Hu Sham
: of intensity of Kabbalas Ol Malchus Shamayim. (Rav Wolbe Alei Shur
: vol. 1 on Yomim Noraim, based on Rabeinu Chananel).
Micha Berger One doesn't learn mussar to be a tzaddik,
micha at aishdas.org but to become a tzaddik.
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