[Avodah] Ad sheyeratzeh es chavero
Allen Gerstl
acgerstl at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 8 04:57:00 PDT 2008
In reading the biographies of gedolei Torah such as Rav Yom Tov Lipmann Heller, who were greatly wronged by malshinim but IIRC forgave their tormentors, a question comes to mind. If a wrongdoer owes monetary compensation for the injury that he has caused is he able to do teshuvah without completing the payment of such compensation? (Thus in the example of the Tosefos Yom Tov, could he have demanded compensation from those who slandered him.) Can someone give a moral mechila to allow a transgressor to do teshuvah without being mochel on such compensation. Is there a difference between debts and compensation for damages? What of the takanot ha-shavim - how to they apply?
Perhaps our list members may have some answers or references.
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