[Avodah] RSRH's Comments on Bereshis 33:4-7
T613K at aol.com
T613K at aol.com
Sun Dec 14 22:13:51 PST 2008
From: Micha Berger _micha at aishdas.org_ (mailto:micha at aishdas.org)
On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 , R Yitzchok Levine quoted RSRH:
: The word "vayevkoo" ("and they wept") attests that Esav was overcome by
: genuine human emotion....
Which reopens the question of when one takes the liberty of giving a
peshat contrary to Chazal. Does RSRH have a contrary source in Chazal to
the medrash that turns Esav's act into an attempt to steal -- which even
as a mashal, can't indicate authenticity on his part.
Hirsch's source is Rashi 33:4 -- Rashi cites two opinions -- the second of
which is "shenichmaru rachamav be'osah sha'ah uneshako bechol libo." And that
is the obvious pshat. Midrashim that twist the pshat into pretzels tend not
to be Hirsch's preferred midrashim.
--Toby Katz
Read *Jewish World Review* at _http://jewishworldreview.com/_
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