[Avodah] [Areivim] Seeing the Swiss Alps
T613K at aol.com
T613K at aol.com
Wed Dec 10 15:59:05 PST 2008
Subject: Re: [Areivim] Seeing the Swiss Alps
On Areivim, R' Yitzchak Levine posted something about Hirsch urging his
students to see the Alps -- his famous line, HKB'H will ask you, "Have you seen
My Alps?"
And then there were a series of responses, the flavor of which you can see
From: R' Moshe Feldman..
>> I have never heard an EY gadol encourage
people to leave EY in order to see the wonders of nature. <<
From: "SBA" <sba at sba2.com>
>From R' SBA: >> Has anyone heard of ANY gadol besides RSRH encourage seeing
the wonders of
BTW, last year we visited the South Island of New Zealand.
IMHO, if it was located in Europe, it would strongly challenge the Alps for
its scenery and beauty. <<
From: "Danny Schoemann" _doniels at gmail.com_ (mailto:doniels at gmail.com)
>> I believe that the Swiss Alps simply have better PR than the Israeli
....The local scenery is Hashem's showcase since its His palace, though in
places it's desolate due to the Churban... but we have no PR.
Do you really think Hashem prefers you to boost the Swiss economy
rather than admire His own country?
- Danny, surrounded by the magnificent Judea hilltops
[So here now is my response, which I have decided belongs on Avodah rather
than Areivim]
People, people, people!
1. First of all, everybody here is taking Hirsch's remark about the *Swiss
Alps* WAY too literally. Do you really think he meant that if you live in the
US and have an opportunity to see the Rockies, or that if you live in Peru
and can look at the Andes, or that if you have a chance to visit New Zealand
and see the beautiful scenery there, or that if you have a chance to see the
Himalayas -- that you should forsake all these mountains and DAVKA go to
And kal vechomer do you think that if a person is living in Yerushalayim,
surrounded by the Harei Yehuda, that Hirsch would have told him to go visit
Switzerland?! I am tearing my hair out from sheer frustration. POETRY, people,
can you not understand? Acccchhhh. Did he really true mean to say that
Hashem will ask every person in the world, "Did you learn Torah? Did you deal
honestly in business? Did you see My Alps?" How can you think that?!
What he meant was so obvious. If you live in a city -- and we Jews are an
urban people -- if you live surrounded by concrete and sidewalks and paved
roads -- get out of there once in your life at least! Go look at the
magnificent world that Hakadosh Baruch Hu created!
You people. You would read Shakespeare's line, "A rose by any other name
would smell as sweet," and you would gravely say, "Hm, I wonder what he meant
by that? What about a lily? What about a tulip? WHAT ABOUT JULIETTE? Why
is he talking about a rose when Romeo is pining for Juliette?" You would fill
pages of commentary about why Shakespeare talked about a rose and not
another flower, and what on earth could he have meant by that?!
2. Second of all, did any other godol besides RSRH ever say anything
similar? Well, folks, I would like to draw your attention to Exhibit A -- the
Tanach -- and a couple of gedolim you have probably heard of: Yeshayahu Hanavi
and Dovid Hamelech.
"Se'u marom eineichem ure'u mi varah eileh?" (Yeshayahu 40:26) (And please
don't get nitpicky and say that the navi was talking about Hashem's glorious
stars and this could not possibly be applied to His glorious mountains.)
"Yefeh nof mesos kol ha'aretz Har Tzion...." (Tehillim 48:3)
"MiTzion michlal yofi Elokim hofea." (ibid 50:2)
"Yerushalayim harim saviv lah v'Hashem saviv le'amo...." (ibid 125:2)
3. Hirsch did not get his love of beauty from secular sources! When he
looked at the Alps he was inspired and that inspiration was religious, it was
spiritual. "Mah gadlu ma'asecha Hashem!" (ibid. 92:6) Just look outside
sometimes, look at the beautiful world and be inspired!
4. I am one hundred percent positive that if you already lived in
Yeryshalayim, Hirsch would not have told you that you have to go see the Alps! But he
WOULD have said, Go see the mountains! During bein hazmanim, go on a tiyul!
If Dovid Hamelech himself called Y-m a place of perfect beauty, why would
you need to see the Alps?! Don't you think that Hirsch himself yearned to see
Yerushalayim and the Harei Yehuda?!
5. A different post needs to be written about Pirkei Avos, and a person who
looks up from his Gemara to say, "Mah na'eh ilan zeh!" That could be a
whole separate essay but, on regel achas, it does not mean that a person should
refrain from looking at beautiful sights or should refrain from noticing that
Hashem has created a magnificent world for us to enjoy. What it does mean
-- well that is for the other regel, enough for now.
--Toby Katz
Read *Jewish World Review* at _http://jewishworldreview.com/_
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