[Avodah] Harag, ratzach, heimis
Zev Sero
zev at sero.name
Tue Dec 2 11:22:05 PST 2008
Micha Berger wrote:
> 3- Unintentional but criminally negligent killing (I'm trying to capture
> cases of ir hanidachas)
Ir miklat, you mean.
> 4- Intentional but legal killing -- the deceased didn't go to the ir
> [miklat]
> 5- Intentional mandatory killing -- misas beis din, milkhamah, haba
> lehargekha...
What's the difference between these two?
> Retzichah seems to be the easiest to handle, because the Rashbam (on
> "lo sirtzach") discusses it. Ratzach appears to be about murder, and
> it is certainly never used WRT animals. Bamidbar 35:11 discusses my
> case #3 -- retzichah includes golus-worthy accidents and v. 27
> addresses #4, the go'eil killing him. Perhaps retzichah is only where
> some guilt is assignable.
How is guilt assignable when a go'el hadam kills the manslaughterer?
"Veratzach goel hadam et harotzeach" is a mitzvah. And yet it's called
Zev Sero Something has gone seriously awry with this Court's
zev at sero.name interpretation of the Constitution.
- Clarence Thomas
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