[Avodah] davening to melachim/toby
herb basser
basserh at queensu.ca
Sun Oct 12 11:00:47 PDT 2008
"That's like saying your sense of humor is a separate being from you. "
Yeah-- sometimes I just say these things also, because thats the minhag and think like that. I know from reliable eidus rav yaakov weinberg interupted slichos once and silenced the shaliach tsibur. anyways--what makes you think I have as sence of humor? anyways-- either you are misaken or for hazal hashem is schitzoid, which I refuse to accept.
-- do you doven to your sense of humor or talk to it? there is a very ancient strand that divides the midos-- especially din and rachamim as agents of overseeing the world. it surfaces in Philo (life of moses 2:99) and kabbalah many sources in zohar, ramban's rosh hashannah derashot, Also in midrashim where they talk to hashem--b shabbat 55 a-- midas hadin asks hashem--what is the difference between bnei yisrael and idol worshippers.(megilla 15b) see sanhedrin 94a, and see sefer haminhagim rosh hashannah 109 (hagahaot), -- which quotes the aggada (midrash) telling us that midas harachamim was created and immediatley complained to hashem that he should use midas hadin to judge the world.-- in zohar "midas harachim" is "hesed" and "tifferes". and in the piyyut midas harachamim is directly spoken to by the paytan- which is my point-- and sefer yeraim siman 223 likewise and and shaarei teshuva shaar gimel (196) has a whole discussion between the midos and hashem where hashem reprimands them. but your sense of humor may be a biria bifnei atzma-- a special creation too.
btw-- why should we call it "neila"-- we asked for "psicha"-- pesach lanu shaar.
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