[Avodah] purim seudah

Eli Turkel eliturkel at gmail.com
Sun Mar 23 11:11:08 PDT 2008

<<Perhaps I did not explain my question adequately. I'll try again: If
one combines the Purim Seudah and the Shabbos Seudah by means of Pores
Mappah, why does it *not* ruin his appetite for the Shabbos portion of
the meal?>>

The gemara in berachot has a whole discussion of  eating a meal that
goes into shabbat (not connected to Purim) and is not bothered by your
question. Being in galus I dont have all my seforim but I recall that
RYBS has one of his yahrzeit shiurim dedicated to this gemara.

In any case why would have the first course on friday purim ruin the
main course on shabbat. Chinese eat 5 or 10 course meals. Poskim seem
to require only a kezayit on shabbat itself.

I was also confused by the discussion of benshing. Those that continue
the meal from Purim to Shabbat bensch only at the end not in the
middle. The consensus is that one says both al hanissim and retzeh for

kol tuv


Eli Turkel

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