[Avodah] history

Moshe Y. Gluck mgluck at gmail.com
Tue Mar 11 19:36:29 PDT 2008

R' Eli Turkel:
> Why bothers me is that we have all these history stories from way back.
> However descriptions of the bet hamikdash a few years after its
> destruction is subject to controversy. Even where the mizbeach stood
> is subject to a machloket of Taanaim not to speak of the details of
> many korbanot, details of he parochet etc. Some of these would only be
> known or cohanim or even only a few cohanim. However, other facts like
> the position of the mizbeach should have known to everyone

I think your question is a good one. I was thinking, though, what if someone
would ask a group of Auschwitz survivors about the position of, say, one
bunk relative to the barracks door? I would guess that one might get
differing answers, and I would attribute it to the total indifference a
survivor would have to such details. The enormity of the tragedy would make
that detail insignificant. He wouldn't think of that detail for fifty years
- is it any wonder that that he might make a mistake when someone finally
brings it up? 
Considering the tragedy of the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash and the
succeeding times - not a picnic for Klal Yisroel - I'm not surprised that
memories would diverge on these things. 


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