[Avodah] Tetzaveh "Be Careful What You Wish For"

SBA sba at sba2.com
Tue Feb 19 05:05:09 PST 2008

From: <cantorwolberg at cox.net>
. Moses responded:  'And now, if You would forgive their sin; and if not,
erase me from the Book which you have written.' [Shmos 32:32]

The Zohar gives the following interesting interpretation: ". Moses was
removed from one section of the Torah, the commandments regarding the
Mishkan. Which section is this?: V'ata T'tzaveh, which should have contained
.his name was completely omitted from the entire section. This is an example
of the "curse of a sage (being fulfilled) even when it is conditional."
[Midrash Ne'elam Shiur haShirim Maamar 4]

Interesting that this is from the Zohar. It is mentioned by both the Rosh
(quoting a R' Dan Ashkenazi) and his son the Baal HaTurim - who presumably
didn't see the Zohar.

>>It seems strange to me that for someone who was considered to be the most
humble Biblical character of all time, had the chutzpah to say to the
Almighty: "If you don't forgive them, then count me out." It sounds like a
threat. Which reminds me (l'havdil) of the story of a man who walked into
the bank and took out a gun and pointed it to his own head and said to the
teller, "If you don't give me the money, I'll kill myself."

Indeed, MRAH had mesiras nefesh on behalf of Klall Yisroel - ad kedei kach.


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