[Avodah] The influence of Nusach Sefard on Nusach

Richard Wolpoe rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Thu Feb 7 21:28:04 PST 2008

On Feb 7, 2008 5:49 AM, Eli Turkel <eliturkel at gmail.com> wrote:

> I just read a sefer (respectfully) attacking many of the psakim of ROY
> on the basis
> of old Morrocan minhagim and urging the Morrocoan community to keep to
> their
> own customs and not be overwhelmed by what other sefardi communties do.
> Most of the sefer is a halachic justification of their customs against
> the psak of
> ROY to change them
> The end has several articles of a general nature on psak
> In particular they point out that most communities have been
> influenced by outside
> sources. In particular sefardim were very influenced by the Rosh and
> his descendants
> who lived in Toledo for many generations.
> --
> Eli Turkel

There is a big difference between the Anicent Ashkenazicatitude towards
local minhag nad the Sephardic approach

Ashkenaz: Every locale is uber alles. You simply do NOT impose minhag
Magenza in Spyeres. etc.

Sepharad: Aderabbo: If you can bulddoze your way thru and destroy local
customs, hazak uvaruch.  The Rif''s Talmidim altered Minhag EY,  The Rambam
attacked Iraqi minhaggim, Ben Ish Chai cahnged minhag Bagda from RY Karo to
Ari, and ROY is trying to do the same.

I guess you can defend the  sepahdic approahc as the ultimate humra on lo
sisgoedu. If you can force the entire world to follow just ONE poseik  you
have the ultimate obviatiion of any lo sisgodedu and ultra simplification of

Se the REma's intro to the Mappah where he feared that RY Karo's SA would be
treated as "miSinai" so he felt compelled to respond with the Mappah. W/o
this fear,  The Rema could have ignored the SA just as most Ashknezim today
ignore the Kaf haChayyim. But Rema knew the danger that any Minhag Ashkenaz
would be subject to homogenization.

The proof of this - and the irony -is that the Rema's biggest single source
is the Beis Yosef itself. In the BY, RY Karo is very plurlistic, but in his
sefer ps'akim viz. the SA, he  is  very partisan.

I guess you might say
There is a  Tradition in Sepharad  do away with others' traditions

Sepharadim might counter-attack and say [with some justification] that
Ashkenazim have a tradition to do away the Halacha in favor of minhag. and
on and on it goes.

Kol Tuv / Best Regards,
RabbiRichWolpoe at Gmail.com
see: http://nishmablog.blogspot.com/
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