[Avodah] Responsibilities to our host country - maharatz chiyut

T613K at aol.com T613K at aol.com
Wed Feb 6 13:24:39 PST 2008


<<        I wonder where within the  definition of hakarat hatov is the
chiyuv to vote (which is a voluntary act)  found?  There does not seem to
be in this list  any chiyuv to  participate in the public welfare.>>[--RJR]

>>The chiyuv to  vote is purely self-interest-dirshu es shlom ha'ir...ki
bishloma..   <<[--RGD]

I don't agree that it's "purely self-interest."  I  think that out of hakaras 
hatov, we have a duty to vote for the candidates who  will most benefit our 
host country. (There is no stira btw between saying "we  should vote for the 
best candidate for America" and saying, "we should vote for  the best candidate 
for the Jews."  Whatever is best for the Jews is  automatically best for the 
country, because Hashem blesses those who bless the  Jews.)

--Toby Katz
Romney -- good  values, good family, good hair
Best for the Jews, best for  America

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