[Avodah] Mussar

Richard Wolpoe rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Sat Feb 2 19:57:25 PST 2008

On Feb 1, 2008 12:31 PM, <cantorwolberg at cox.net> wrote:

> R' David Riceman:
> A friend from Jerusalem stopped by last week, and we chatted for a few
> hours.? One of his remarks struck me as worth repeating here.? He told
> me that when he reads mussar sefarim he gets the impression of small
> mindedness; the concerns are very petty.? Whereas when he reads Rabbi
> Kook "ze mamash marhiv et hada'at."
> Any comments (I'll reserve my own)?
Different Strokes for Different folks!
A friend of Mine in yeshivas Ner Israel was recommended to read Tehillim. It
upset him greatly. Therre are times in my life I found Tehiloim a bit boring
to be honest. yet during that same era of my life I found Mishle very
fascinating and downright calming. It was like having a wise old master
sitting next to me and guiding me..

To me Mesillas Yesharim is a "handbook on how to become a Gadol."   Since I
have given up upon being a Gdaol a long time ago, I'm not sure how much that
Sefer would help me now.OTOH  I would give it to ny yong illuy with

I have generally liked Orchos Tzaddikkim but I must confes the last time I
went though it I found his advice trivial. I guess my life has gotten a bit
too complicated or sophisticated for that sefer to do me good. Maybe  I need
to impmlify but fright now the Sefer did not click

I tried to get into Hovos Halevavos but - as a friend of mine had warned me
- I found it way  too Medieval. I found a lot of imagery about kings etc.
just disconnect to our American way of life.

One of the Best Machshava books for me has been Sefer Hachinuch. I really
feel he presents Torah as document of true compassion and Kedusha {mamleches
kohahim v'goy Kadosh mixed with ahavas habriyyos] I also lke the Hinuch
Hamekutzar nad the Chofetz Chaim's Sefear Hamtizvos Hakatzar for a  quick
dose of Halachas?Machshava.

I found Shemoneh Perkaim very good. I wish I had done it at a yonger ago a
long time ago.  Most of Rambam  on Teshuva/Deios is excellent - Also the
Masechtos Ketannos of Avos Derabbi Nosson and Derech ERetz are very good,

I am also doing Chofetz Chayyim Yomi [Halacha] as well as Shemira Halashon
Yomi [Mussar]  I cannot think of a better Sefer on Ahavas Yisrole than the
Shmiras Halshon. And since I am upset at times by the bitter diviseness
between Jewish factions, I find Shemiras Halashon really speaking to me very
loudly and clearly.  everyone should go through one cycle at least once in
their life.

Mussar Sefarim are like Medicines, You need to take the right dose of the
right sefer at the right time etc.  B"H there is an entire apothecary filled
with many choices.

Kol Tuv / Best Regards,
RabbiRichWolpoe at Gmail.com
see: http://nishmablog.blogspot.com/
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