[Avodah] Critique of Mussar

Moshe Y. Gluck mgluck at gmail.com
Thu Jan 31 20:13:35 PST 2008

R' David Riceman:
A friend from Jerusalem stopped by last week, and we chatted for a few 
hours.  One of his remarks struck me as worth repeating here.  He told 
me that when he reads mussar sefarim he gets the impression of small 
mindedness; the concerns are very petty.  Whereas when he reads Rabbi 
Kook "ze mamash marhiv et hada'at."

Any comments (I'll reserve my own)?

I'm not sure why there should be comments. Every Sefer speaks to every
person differently. I'll bet that your friend would not have done well in
the Ramchal's Yeshiva either - not as a negative reflection of him, just
that his Neshamah doesn't appreciate that Mehalech. 


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